Activities in Garden Route

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Activities in Garden Route

Based on your search, 87 available activities were identified
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Activities in Garden Route

Based on your search, 87 available activities were identified
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Red Route Gorge to Tsitsikamma National Park Tubing

Blackwater Tubing
Activity Type: Marine & Water Tours Location: Stormsriver Village, Western Cape

GREN ROUTE TUBING SUP COMBO also available The trip includes a 20min scenic forest drive from Storms River Village to the drop off point in the Goesa Nature Reserve where you'll receive your tube. Fully kitted with specialized equipment and guided by local expert guides, a steep 800m walk down the side of the gorge gets you to river's edge Now the fun begins... for the next 4-5 hours we'll be negotiating our way down this phenomenal river by means of flatwater paddling, bouldering, optional tube and cliff jumps with lots of laughs and spectacularly unique scenery. Half way down we stop for a recharge with a chocolate bar and a tube balancing session. The cascade down double dumper brings us to our last few pools before the canyon majestically opens out at the Storms River Mouth Suspension Bridges in the famous Tsitsikamma National Park. Our exit at the concrete jetty brings us to the suspension bridge boardwalk that takes roughly 20min to walk back to the parking area where our shuttle bus awaits. The drive back through the National Park to Storms River Village takes 20min and back at Tube ‘n Axe a well earned hot shower and ‘lekker braai’ round off the days activity with complimentary media and a cash bar This trip is not suitable for children under 12 years old or for very unfit folks. The many steps and bouldering sections must be considered by anyone with weak hip or leg joints especially Please note: Tubing experiences vary according to changing river levels and weather conditions. So please call a day in advance for advice. Most (90%) of our trips are conducted on medium-low to low water and the trip entails pool paddling, bouldering and walking, tube jumps, swimming, and optional rock jumps up to 8m in height. (short pour over and shoot rapids are water level dependent)

from R1540/ person
Possibly Available

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