Activities in Plettenberg Bay

Based on your search, 41 available activities were identified
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Activities in Plettenberg Bay

Based on your search, 41 available activities were identified
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Activities in Plettenberg Bay

Based on your search, 41 available activities were identified
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Robberg Hike

Ocean Blue Adventures
Activity Type: Running, Walking & Hiking Tours Location: Central Beach, Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape

Guests are asked to check in at the Ocean Blue Adventures Shop, which is located in the Milkwood Centre, Hopwood Street, Plettenberg Bay, approximately 15 minutes before the planned departure time. Here you will sign in for the tour and meet your guide. After a pre-trip briefing, you will be accompanied by the guide in your own vehicle, to the starting point at Robberg Nature Reserve. Setting off along the northern side of the peninsula, your guide will share his knowledge of the area, as well as traditional uses for some of the plants and anecdotes about the various species of wildlife spotted. From The Gap, you climb up towards the cliffs overlooking the Cape Fur Seal colony, keeping a lookout for patrolling sharks. Then you head down a large sand dune onto the southern, 'Wildside' and across the tombola beach for a walk around the Island, before heading back towards the starting point. While sightings are never guaranteed, you might also spot pods of dolphins and whales. Please note that moderate levels of fitness are required to complete the walk. You are also advised to wear closed shoes (no sandals or flip-flops). Dress according to the prevailing weather and remember to bring a hat, sunblock and camera/binoculars. At the end of the tour, you will return to Ocean Blue and bid farewell to your guide.

from R400/ person
Possibly Available

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